Friday, November 29, 2013

Coconut Oil 101

It's amazing to think that as a society, we once black -listed this hot ticket natural health product. Especially after we consider all its uses for maintaining good health, cooking and beauty care. While some people have fully boarded the Coconut Oil train, others are still a little skeptical from its misinterpreted past. 

Here's why:
Years ago, when the connection between saturated fat (something that coconut oil is high in) and heart disease was made, people and health professionals everywhere deemed coconut oil  'un-healthy'. Several referred to coconut oil as fattening, which, like all things, it can be if not consumed in moderation. But the truth is, coconut oil has been used for thousands of years in several third world countries and is still the first go-to for their health concerns or illness prevention. It has only just recently exploded in the beauty world for its several beneficial uses. 

Yes, although coconut oil is high in saturated fats it is a healthy fat that is needed in the body.  Modern medicine has actually discovered that it can protect against heart disease, diabetes, cancers, liver and kidney diseases, osteoporosis, dental decay and skin infections. Unlike animal fat, coconut oil's saturated fat does not raise blood cholesterol levels, as it contains medium chain fatty acids (MCFA's) that are burned almost immediately for energy use. 
We fully believe that another reason everyone hasn't boarded the coconut oil train is because they don't know how to use it. As human's we tend to fear the unknown, so let's rid our minds of overrated coconut oil media and start with a clean slate. We have put together a list of things that coconut oil can be used for, some are obvious, while others may leave you surprised. And if by the end we haven't fully convinced you to purchase some, how about this – It's on SALE. 


Fight Frizz – rub a small amount of coconut oil on your hands and rub together – lightly smooth over fly away hairs. 

Deep Condition – soak hair in coconut oil for one hour, then shampoo out [no spa needed]

Homemade Shampoo – mix 1/4 cup coconut milk, 1/3 cup liquid soap, 1tbs coconut oil, 1tsp almond/olive oil, 10 – 20 drops of essential oil. 

Dandruff Control – rub a small amount of coconut oil into scalp 

Facial Scrub – mix coconut oil and baking soda for cleansing scrub

Makeup Remover – a small amount of coconut oil goes a long way [and moisturizes at the same time]

Lip Balm/ Skin Moisturizer – again, a small amount of coconut oil goes a long way. Think dry feet, hands, face, nail cuticles and try using it as a massage oil. It has been known to help people with such skin problems as psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema. 

Body Scrub – coconut oil and various natural sugars and salts [here's a great DIY recipe]

Shaving – you can make your own shaving cream by using a small amount of coconut oil and water, it is also a good idea to use this to soothe cuts and razor rash [if you have any]

Sunscreen – I know, seems crazy using an oil as a sun protectant but people claim it works as an SPF 4.  Maybe test this out on your skin first just to be safe before you stand out all day in the sun based like a Thanksgiving turkey. 

Toothpaste – mix coconut oil with baking soda and brush, brush brush!

Stretch Mark Cream – coconut oil is fabulous for nourishing skin, hence why we use it as moisturizer but it can help reduce pesky stretch marks too. 


Nipple Cream/Milk Enrichment – for new mommies, this is a perfect way to naturally nourish cracked, sore or dry nipples. It's okay to leave it on there between feedings, just make sure to wipe it off before the next feeding. Eating some of the coconut oil yourself will also help to enrich the quality of milk you produce. 

Diaper Irritation – using a bit like lotion is very soothing to your babies bottom and its all natural. It also works for cradle cap. 

Bug Bites – apply directly to bug bite to aid in the relief of itching and burning

Swimmers Ear – it is said that mixing coconut oil with garlic oil and put a few drops into affected ears for 10 mins – do this 2-3 times a day. 

Stress Relief – because coconut oils aroma is extremely soothing, it helps to lower stress levels. Try applying some to your finger tips and massaging into your temples, in light circular motions. 

Digestion – ah yes, the saturated fats in coconut oil have anti-bacterial properties that help control parasites, and fungi that cause indigestion and other digestion related problems such as IBS (irritable bowl syndrome). The good fats in the coconut oil also aid in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids – which is exactly what we like to hear. 

Weight-loss – coconut oil has been proven to stimulate your metabolism, improve thyroid function and escalate energy levels [try taking some before you workout], all of which helps decrease unwanted fat and increasing lean muscle. Coconut oil can also aid in cravings – giving you nourishment you might lack in food groups, therefore causing a craving. 

Nose Bleeds – we don't want to go into details about how you have to get the coconut oil in your nasal passage – as we think you get the right idea – but with its mosturizing qualities, coconut oil can help prevent nose bleeds caused by dry, cracking nasal passages. 

Health Problems – coconut oil is said to aid with hot flashes, bleeding hemorrhoids, HIV, head lice, improve menstruation cramps/pain, migraines, thrush, relieve gallbladder pain, acid reflux, adrenal fatigue, Alzheimer, candida albicans, asthma, autism, cholesterol [improves HDL, good cholesterol], chronic fatigue, circulation, immune system, mental health including depression, athletes food, back pain/sore muscles, canker sores, acne, cellulite and herpes/genital warts [applied topically]. Just to name a few. 


Replacement for Butter/Oil – coconut oil can be substituted in cooking/baking recipes for butter and oils. The ratio would be 1 cup coconut oil per 1 cup [insert your ingredient name here]. It is also a great idea to use coconut oil for any other methods, such as sauteing for example. 

Lubricant – use coconut oil for greasing pans, pie crusts etc. Replaces butter/lard/Crisco/PAM 

Nutritional Supplement – some people take coconut oil on a spoon, while others blend it into their favourite smoothie to get the goodness. 


Insect Repellent – mix coconut oil with peppermint oil extract and use like regular bug repellant, only this is natural and much safer. 

Pets – some people melt coconut oil and mix it in their animals food/water to aid in overall health. But just to be on the safe side, please consult your veterinarian before doing so.

Goo Gone – mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda into a paste. Apply to sticky area, let it sit for roughly 10 mins and try wiping it off [using an old toothbrush may help, also]

Gum in your hair? - rub some coconut oil all over the mess [aka. Hair and gum], leave it there for roughly half an hour and gently roll the gum between your fingers – it should come right out. 

Furniture Polish – mixing coconut oil with a bit of lemon juice is great for polishing wood furniture, while leaving a pleasant scent; it's wise to test it out in an inconspicuous spot first, just to make sure. It is also said that if you use coconut oil on a cotton ball, you can use it to polish bronze. Again, test it out first. 

Conditioning Things – coconut oil is great for seasoning animal hides, cookware, and is a great moisturizer for leather products. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

10 Steps to Ensuring a Healthy, Happy Holidays

As a kid you happily recall the first time you heard a Christmas song on the radio, the first snow fall and the first time you saw those twinkling lights indicating a holiday season was vastly approaching. But, somewhere along the lines of growing up, that holiday cheer turned into holiday fear. Now whenever you picture Christmas, its the dreaded store lines, the maxed out credit cards and the stress you get from having company invade your home for undetermined amounts of time. Ah yes, its that time of the year. Thankfully you make it out alive every year (barely!) but this year will be different. We've come up with the best steps to ensuring you have a happy and healthy holiday season – and most importantly, one that will keep you from hiding in bed all day following this joyous day.

1. Even Santa needs to BUDGET
Christmas shopping can take a serious toll on the pocketbook! Before your spending gets out of control, sit down and make a budget. And stick to it! Financial stress, like any type of stress, can be directly linked to illness. Research on debt stress, specifically, found it to be related to headaches and migraines, depression, heart attacks, low-back pain, and ulcers or other digestive problems. Just to name a few. Your loved ones want you healthy, much more than they want that expensive gift. Don’t over spend.

2. Get some ZZZ's 
Ahhh, sleep! Rejuvenating, restoring, HEALING… sounds great! So, why aren’t you getting enough? Especially during the holiday season, when we tend to be busier with social events, shopping, and don’t forget the everyday responsibilities of home, work and family… we tend to burn the candle at both ends. And we'l pay for it. Lack of sleep can play a big part in a number of health complaints and conditions, none so obvious (or significant) as FATIGUE! Don’t be tired all holiday season, instead, get to bed. You can have your fun, and sleep, too. (If you need some tips on healthy sleep habits, check out our sleep article).

3. One Eggnog, Straight Up!
We tend to enjoy a few spirits this time of year, and fair enough, we’ve earned a glass of wine! Just be sure to limit yourself. Excess alcohol can increase your risk of liver disease, high blood pressure, high blood fats, heart failure, stroke, and certain cancers. It also impacts sleep, mood, and hormone balance. Men on average should have no more than 2 drinks daily, or more than four drinks at one time. For women, 1 drink per day on average, or no more than 3 drinks at one time is best. For optimal health, less is truly more.

4. Get Creative!
Did you know that the process of making art - whether it is writing, painting, singing, dancing, or anything in between – is good for us? Creativity has been shown to improve wellbeing, by decreasing negative emotions and increasing positive ones. It can also lead to also improved medical outcomes, as well as a reduction in depression, as it allows for expression of grief. Creating art reduces stress and anxiety, improves positive identity, and in group or class settings, can even improve social networks. There is also research to support that the act of writing, specifically, can actually improve SD4+ lymphocyte counts. This means that it impacts the body at a cellular level – improving immune function. Take home message: Get Creative! Homemade gifts are even more appreciated – how does that saying go 'It's the thought that counts?'

5. Bundle Up
In you're running off to the store to grab those last minute stocking stuffers, don’t forget to bundle up. Did you know that blood pressure could increase temporarily when exposed to cold temperatures? Many arthritis sufferers also find that symptoms are exacerbated in the cold, making joints feel stiffer, resulting with less mobility. Asthma and other pulmonary disorders can also be heightened in cold temperatures. Throw on your scarf, hat and mitts – it's not just Jack Frost nipping at your nose you have to worry about anymore.

6. Be Selfish
I know Christmas is the season of giving, but did you think to put yourself on the list of recipients? The truth is, there is absolutely nothing selfish about spoiling yourself a little. I don’t mean buying extravagant gifts. I’m talking TIME, RELAXATION, a chance to DE-STRESS. You deserve it, and your friends and family deserve time with a happy, healthy and relaxed version of you. Take a bath, go for a quiet stroll to see the Christmas lights, read a book, or meditate… do whatever you find helps you to decrea    se stress and reset!

7. Graze [you know, like a cow!]
Everything in moderation! The holidays aren't exactly known as the best time to 'diet'. Instead of setting yourself up for disappointment, you're better off to enjoy a treat or two – everything in moderation. It’s all about small portions, and eating smaller meals, more often. Heading out to a holiday party? Have a small dinner first, a light salad with protein (chicken, fish or beans/lentils). That way you won’t be as likely to go overboard on cheesy appetizers, or rich desserts. Remember to drink lots of water, so you don’t confuse hunger with thirst. Enjoy aunt Marg’s Christmas cake, just savour a SMALL piece (and take the word 'second-serving' out of your vocabulary)

8. Snowshoeing, anyone? 
As long as you are dressed properly, the snow can be a winter wonderland in terms of exercise opportunities! Snowshoeing, tobogganing, cross-country skiing, snowboarding, skating, or even building a snowman are great ways to stay active and take in the fresh air. Not to mention it can help keep the Christmas weight off, improve mood, keep skin looking fresh, and improve overall health and wellness. The winter can be long and unrelenting if you protest against the cold, it's better to just make the most of it – you never know, it could turn out to be your favourite season.

9. Snuggle in
If the weather outside is frightful, and the fire is so delightful,... it's best just to stay inside! Winter driving can be dangerous and stressful. For anxious drivers, it can be almost debilitating. Don’t stress yourself out. If driving conditions are less than optimal, plan your running around for another day, or carpool with a friend who feels more comfortable behind the wheel. Instead, have neighborhood friends over who can walk instead of drive. Enjoy the snow from the window, and remember that its better to avoid this small task that can come with high repercussions to your health.

10. Cold and Flu Prevention 
No one wants to be sick for the holidays, but sometimes we can't help it. We run on adrenaline for so long and once finally relaxed, POW, we have a cold! Most of the suggestions listed here are meant to make the holidays a little less stressful, which in and of itself, will mean a stronger immune system. Vitamin D, and C will also go a long way in preventing, and minimizing symptoms of cold and flu. Oregano oil, probiotics, and elderberry can do wonders, too. Check out our cold and flu article here for more tips. Have a healthy (and sniffle-free) holiday!

Friday, November 15, 2013's changed the face of men's health

Perhaps it was because the year 2003 produced no Hollywood glam on facial hair, other than the now Mo-famous, Johnny Depp. Or maybe it was because the two founders of Movember were still stuck in the Super Trooper ‘stache-phase. However it started, there’s no denying that Movember really is changing the face of men’s health, one mustache at a time.

Brief History

Like friends do, Travis Garone and Luke Slattery from Melbourne Australia, started discussing various topics over a pint. It seems the two must have really been pro facial-hair because the conversation lead jokingly to bringing the Mo’ back. So they did. And inspired by a friend’s mother who was fundraising for breast cancer, they decided to make this ‘campaign’ supporting men’s health and most importantly, prostate cancer. They agreed to charge $10 to grow their Mo and soon, with a little marketing and rule making (which are still in place 10 years later) they convinced 30 men to do the challenge with them. And the rest is history.
The next year, in 2004, the decision was made to continue but with more push for a cause – so with an office in someones house they contacted Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) and they agreed to accept fund, but were not considered an official men’s health partner. And at the end of the year they donated a $54,000 cheque to PCFA – the largest single donation they’d ever received. 
Over the years, Movember continued to reach international levels, making its way officially into Canada in 2007 with the Prostate Cancer Canada organization, in 2011 it was marked an official charity in our country. Today over 20 countries participate in Movember and last year they raised $146.6million – ranking it one of the Top 100 NGO’s (charity) in the world as named by the Global Journal. To put that into context, there is an estimated 5 million Ngo’s around the world. While raising money and most importantly, getting men and woman everywhere talking and changing the face of men’s health, it is quite a success story. 

That being said, we don’t want to interrupt your awareness campaign, but we thought we would touch on a few things that you can take so you can stay healthy all year long.
Take a Multivitamin
It may not be Fred Flinstone shaped and chewable anymore, but taking amultivitamin is still easy, and can go along way to increase nutrients and supplement diet. You want to make sure you pick a multi that is best suited for your lifestyle and your gender (we've come along way since the basic vitamin used for both men and woman). Here is what you should look for. 

Protect your Prostate
Prostate cancer is the second leading cancer cause of death for men. Typically men in their 30-40's rarely get it (but don't rule it out), however the chance increases steadily over 50 - this is why being aware and getting a regular exam over this age is crucial. Common signs of prostate cancer is pain/burning sensation while urinating, frequent urination, a decrease in the amount and force of urine flow, an inability to urinate, blood in the urine, and continuing lower back and pelvic or suprapubic discomfort. We recommend trying these two things. 

Maintaining your Libido 
You've heard the rumours, and sadly the link between testosterone levels and your libido is present. Upping the levels of your testosterone could be the answer, it depends on what works for you. Here is one thing that often gets overlooked.

Stay Stress Free 
Work, family, health, lack of sleep, your team lost… we all stress over different things and in different amounts. We know it's not healthy and if it goes untreated, (which is something Men are known for!) it could snow-ball into something worse. Here is what we suggest you try.

Getting the most from your workout
Gym time… the best part of your day! Just you and your weights... no nagging, no stress! It can also be your social time, we see the interaction with other regulars. If you're the competitive type, maybe you use this time to challenge yourself in strength, endurance and stamina. Whatever your reason, working out is a healthy way to keep fit and ensure life-long health. But there are a few things you can do to ensure you are getting the most out of the time you put in, such as getting a full 7-8 hours of sleep, switching up your routine and try taking one of these.

Monday, November 04, 2013

23 Reasons WHY We Take Supplements

In light of Natural Health Product Week (Nov. 4th – 10th) we have put together "23 Reasons WHY We Take Supplements”. We, is a pretty broad term, but in this case not only does it represent the office of we also believe it represents you, yes YOU! Let’s face it, between that busy schedule of yours and this changing World, you need a little help getting the nutrients you need – why else would you be taking supplements? 

Did any of these reasons stir your mental pot? Comment, share and tell us about it! 

23. (Not so healthy) lifestyle habits
Poor dietary habits and high stress are not the only lifestyle factors that can lead to nutrient deficiencies and less than optimal health; physical inactivity, tobacco use, and excessive alcohol consumption, among other poor lifestyle choices can be equally detrimental. The sad truth is these factors above are the top predictors of cardiovascular disease, the number one cause of death globally. How do we avoid this fate? We stop the habitual behaviour that is bringing us down (or in the case of inactivity, we start it!), and in the meantime, we supplement - extra antioxidants, B vitamins, and other nutrients based on individual need.

22. Public health 
Let’s talk cold and flu for a minute. Best advice for avoiding the spread of bacteria and virus is to stay in and avoid contact with others. This means no work, no school, no social outings and essentially no life. However, with our busy schedules this is a difficult request and getting back into the swing of things as quickly as possible is a necessity. Many believe that a cold, in particular, simply needs to run its course. For the most part, this isn’t wrong, but there are a number of things you can do to speed things up and get you back on your feet a little faster. Supplements like Elderberry have potent anti-viral activity and can help to reduce severity and duration of symptoms.

21. Longer Life Expectancy
Life expectancy in the early 1900’s was about 50 years of age. As of 2010, Canadians were living, on average, to be approx. 81 years of age. What does this have to do with supplements? Well, we have to think about functions that start to decline and/or lose efficiency as we age, digestion being one of the big ones. As we start to age, our digestive processes (enzyme production and release, motility, etc) start to slow down. Generally speaking, there is also a decline in physical activity and a decreased need for calories that does not necessarily coincide with a decreased need for nutrients. Take this into consideration AND a generally speaking (nutritionally) poor diet, as we start to eat what’s easy as opposed to what’s healthy. All this adds up to a significant loss of nutrients, perhaps at a time when the body needs them most. Supplementing with a high quality multi vitamin, a probiotic, a fish oil and CoQ10 may not keep you living longer (or will it?), but it can go a long way to keep you living a more quality, healthy life in old age. 

20. Environmental toxins
Did you know that more than 7 billion pounds of over 650 different chemicals have been released into our water and air? See the US Environmental Protection Agency report published in 2002. Many of these chemicals did not even exist a few decades ago and we have no idea what the repercussions of these environmental toxins will be. Reducing our exposure is difficult (some of these are literally in the air we breath!).  We can start by drinking filtered water, as well as attempting to detoxify these chemicals from our body through supplementation – increased vitamin C, NAC, selenium, milk thistle, and more!

19. Weight loss programs
It’s impossible to read a health magazine these days and not be bombarded with news of the latest and greatest WEIGHT LOSS solution. Weight loss programs, diets and pills are only increasing in popularity. Regardless of the motivation, what you dieters out there need to know is that taking the weight off, often requires increased intake of nutrients, including protein. Cutting calories can and will lead to nutrient deficiencies if you don’t do it safely.

18. Endocrine Disruptors [in our food and in our home]
Do you buy/eat canned foods? Eat animal products? Drink unfiltered water? Let your children play with plastic toys? If you’ve said yes to any of these questions, you may be exposing yourself and your family to chemicals known as Endocrine disruptors. The Endocrine system is the hormonal system of the body – and anything that disrupts it, leads to hormonal imbalance; estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, insulin and thyroid hormone, to name a few. Imbalances in these areas can affect metabolism and weight, calcium balance in the body, mood, sleep patterns, blood sugar, and SO MUCH MORE. These chemicals are thought to be responsible for precocious (early) puberty in young girls, hormone related cancers, infertility, and more. Check out the Environmental Working Group’s dirty dozen Endocrine Disruptors. How can supplements help? Again, they can help to detoxify the body of these chemicals, along with supporting liver function, and regular elimination/healthy bowel function. 


17. Poor Diet
This can’t really come as a shock to anyone and barely needs any explanation at all. If you are someone who frequents the fast food drive thru, and can’t seem to break free from refined carbohydrates (not a whole grain fan?) and sugar, chances are you are not getting the nutrients you need from your diet. There is no doubt that some dietary changes are in order, but if you aren’t ready yet… try getting your nutrients in supplement form! A good multi, a greens powder and some fish oil could go a long way!

16. Unique Stages of Life
Nutritional need varies based on gender, activity level, and even family history, but nothing dictates nutritional need to the degree that our age does. From infancy to our 60’s and beyond, we need more and less of specific nutrients throughout different periods in our life. Toddlers tend to be picky eaters, and as such, ingesting a good quality multivitamin can help to bump up necessary nutrients. Find one with DHA, for the support of cognitive development. Post-menopausal women need to think about calcium intake, as declining estrogen and progesterone levels will impact the balance between bone loss (resorption) and formation. To find out more about your specific needs to fit your stages of life, see you local naturopath for more information. 

15. Stress
If you’ve done your fair share of reading about stress, you’ve probably heard about something called the fight or flight response. When we are dealing with a perceived stressor, our body goes into sympathetic mode. The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the processes necessary for immediate action against whatever is causing us stress (think about a caveman coming across a saber tooth tiger while hunting). It relaxes the bronchi allowing for a deeper breath, accelerates the heart, and stimulates the release of glucose for instant energy. At the same time, it shuts down what are considered unnecessary functions during acute stress, inhibiting things like salivation and digestion. The parasympathetic nervous system, on the other hand, has the exact opposite effects, otherwise know as the rest and digest. In a relaxed state the body focuses on digestion and elimination. If we are in a constant state of stress, we are not meant to be eating – and as such we are not able to digest and absorb the nutrients in our food (have you ever noticed that eating on the go – even healthy food – causes you bloating, or heart burn?). Aside from deep breathing, yoga, meditation and other lifestyles interventions, supplementation can help to calm chronically high stress levels, support digestion (through the use of digestive enzymes) and replace lost nutrients until these issues are resolved.


14. You don’t have time to cook!
We can all relate to a lack of time! The truth is that with work, family, daily chores, and sleep, things like hobbies, exercise, and ‘eating healthy’ (which are great ideas in theory!) become very difficult to fit in. To a certain extent (and you may not like this…) we simply have to MAKE TIME FOR OUR HEALTH. It has to be a priority! Putting your health (at least close) to the top of the list will prove to be the best investment you have ever made! Keep in mind, ‘healthy’ also means a manageable stress load. Maybe you can’t eat a 100% organic, vegan or raw diet all of the time and that’s ok. Find a balance so you can keep up with the purchasing, planning and cooking of your healthy diet, while not being stressed out by it! If you have a bad day, and they will happen, supplement with a greens powder, to bump up veggie intake!
13. Pregnancy
During pregnancy, our body has increased nutritional needs (you are growing another human being inside of you, after all!). In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, caloric intake, in general, should typically increase by about 300 calories. Protein also needs to be increased and quite significantly, by about 60 mg per day. Calcium, folate and iron are other micronutrients that we have a higher need for while pregnant. You can get these nutrients through food, or even simpler by taking a well-designed prenatal vitamin with extra folic acid and calcium. If you are diagnosed with iron deficiency (common during pregnancy), taking additional iron in the form of a non-constipating liquid or a capsule supplement is an easy fix.

12. Unawareness 
It would be nice if broccoli came with a label; High in vitamins A and KK, calcium, folate, and potassium, but then we’d also need to know why these nutrients were important… so, better yet, carrots could have a label on them that reads “Carrots are good for the eyes, keeping the retina healthy.” Sadly, fruits and vegetables are not labeled as such meaning some of us may simply not know what we need to be eating! Since we are not all vegans, it’s not just the vegetable aisle that we may need help with. The fact is, all the information we’re getting today makes it very hard to know what a healthy diet is. Supplementing in the areas where you are unclear or unsure of can help! 

11. Vegan/Vegetarian
Vegan and vegetarian diets are not unhealthy by any stretch of the imagination. That being said, they do require a little extra time and effort to ensure that certain nutrients, such as B12, iron and calcium, along with protein intake in general, all of which we get primarily from animal based products, are meeting required levels. Beans and lentils need to become a staple in the diet, as does soy (and fermented soy products), as well as a consistent and wide variety of vegetables (its easy to get in a rut and cook the same things over and over!). Including a combination vegan protein powder, or taking the above nutrients in supplement form, may help to bump up specific nutrients when needed.


10. Cooking: Generally speaking, most people are aware that cooking diminishes the nutrient content of our vegetables. And unless you have joined the raw food revolution, chances are most of the food you are consuming is cooked, therefore not receiving all the nutrients within those foods. Supplementation can make up for certain nutrients that are lost. Vitamin C is one of the nutrients most significantly depleted by cooking vegetables. Sulforaphane, researched for its ability to fight against H. pylori bacteria, as well as having the potential to block proliferation of precancerous cells, is all but lost when broccoli is cooked. Cooking also drastically diminishes the polyphenol content of carrots. Polyphenols may play a significant role in the prevention of a number of degenerative diseases; including cardiovascular diseases and cancer, due to their ability to fight oxidative stress (antioxidant ability). So to make sure you save some nutrients for you try lightly steaming, or even better, lightly boiling vegetables – these are the healthiest options. Grilling and deep frying are by far the most detrimental to our health. Deep frying destroys any antioxidant potential that a veggie has, and grilling often leads to charring/blackening, which forms Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), a probable human carcinogen. 

9. Therapeutic dosages can’t be found in food: Curcumin is an excellent example of the profound difference between the levels of a medicinal extract we find in food, versus consuming these extracts in supplement form. Curcumin is an extract of the spice Turmeric, used for thousands of years in Indian cooking and Ayurvedic medicine. The best studied, and certainly the most medicinal curcuminoid compound in Turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin is an effective anti-inflammatory, potent antioxidant, anti-cancer, liver support, and so much more. Curcumin makes up 2-9% of powdered tumeric and therapeutic levels of curcumin range from 1-3 g/day. Simply put, you’d turn yellow before you were able to consume enough turmeric to reach therapeutic levels of curcumin. In cases such as these, supplements - many of which are standardized and formulated for superior bioavailability – are a safe, easy, and effective alternative.

8. Prescription Medications: If you are taking one, or a handful of different prescription medications, you need to be aware of the nutrient deficiencies that these medications are causing, all of which can lead to some serious side effects of their own if unaddressed. Supplementation can help to compensate for these losses. Here are just a few examples:
Metformin causes B12 and folic acid deficiencies
Statin drugs prevent the body from making Coenzyme Q10
Zantac can decrease Vitamin D and calcium, among others.
Synthroid impairs iron absorption, often leading to deficiency.
SSRI’s (ie: Prozac) can interfere with the body’s production and release of melatonin. 
Antibiotics/Antibacterials (ie: Tetracycline, Ciprofloxin) can deplete our healthy gut flora, killing off bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus species (resulting in dysbiosis). 
Oral Contraceptives can decrease our levels of all B vitamins.


7. Malabsorption: It would be nice to think that we are all working with a healthy and efficient digestive system, but the real truth of it is, most of us aren’t! Malabsorption disorders include celiac disease, Crohn’s, pancreatic insufficiency (as seen in cystic fibrosis), lactose intolerance, and more. So, if we can’t absorb nutrients from food, how can we get them from supplements? It’s a great question, with an equally sensible answer: many supplements are formulated to compensate for malabsorption disorders. Whether this be a sublingual tab that bypasses the digestive system, or a nutrient that is paired with the enzymes needed to break it down in the body… supplements can be taken not only to correct malabsorption issues, they can make up for lost nutrients while absorption is being restored.

6. Food sensitivities and food allergies:  Both food allergies and sensitivities are all too common today and can wreak havoc on dietary nutrient intake, for a variety of reasons. First off, if sensitivity goes undiagnosed, or these foods are still being consumed for any reason, there is bound to be inflammation. Gut inflammation interferes with digestive enzyme function, gut flora, absorption and immune system integrity… all compromising dietary nutrient intake and overall health. Secondly, generally, if we are avoiding certain food groups that we are sensitive to, we are missing out on the necessary nutrients that these food groups provide. Take a dairy sensitivity for instance, although not impossible to get from other food sources, it certainly does make calcium intake a little more difficult. Supplementation can help us to make up for deficiencies while still sticking to our allergen free diets. They can also serve to soothe and calm inflammation so we are able to absorb more from the foods we are able to eat. It’s a win- win!

5. pH: Let’s talk ACID… or more accurately, acid-base imbalances. An optimal pH for our blood and body tissues is about 7.2 (this will vary when testing pH of saliva or urine, due to other proteins in these solutions). Enzyme production and release relies heavily on a specific pH. If our pH is overly acidic (most commonly seen) we are simply not producing the enzymes necessary to breakdown and digest our food properly, and therefore (can you guess?), we are not able to take advantage of the nutrients we are consuming. We can correct acid base imbalances through a healthy diet (dark leafy greens, root veggies, garlic and lemons!), as well as supplementation – sea vegetables! And we can actually supplement with pancreatic enzymes! Thus compensating for what we’re missing until optimal pH is achieved.

     4. Seasonal Need: Let’s take the most obvious and applicable example; vitamin D. The unfortunate truth about vitamin D is that in North America, even if we were outside naked for a large part of the day (Brrrrrrrrr!), we aren’t getting the vitamin D that we need from the sun! We are learning more and more about the MANY clinical implications that are associated with vitamin D deficiency, including cold and flu, autoimmune disorders, cancer, depression, fetal and neonatal conditions, and osteoporosis, to name a few. Nowadays many foods are fortified with additional vitamin D, difficult to find naturally in many of our everyday foods, and its still not enough. Even the perfect diet needs to be supplemented with additional vitamin D during the winter months.


3. Soil Depletion, Fertilizers: Have you ever seen the sticker "Farmers Feed Cities"? It really couldn't be further from the truth. Food, in all its forms (veggies, grains, meats) is in high demand leading to over use of the land, along with an abundance of fertilizers and pesticides to produce the highest yield possible, year round. There is no doubt that this process of mass production at the lowest cost has taken a HUGE toll on the quality of nutrients in our food. When our soil is depleted of nutrients, so are the foods that grow in it, or the animals that feed from it. The over-use of chemicals, with no real long-term proof of health and safety repercussion to the consumer is scary, to say the least. Sadly, we simply aren’t receiving the same amount of nutrition in our food as we were only decades ago. To offset some of these deficiencies, we may need to turn to supplementation. 

2. Food Isn't Fresh: Unfortunately because not every small town, city or province can grow every food/product we, as consumers demand, many products in our local grocery stores are shipped from around the world. So, how do they keep that food fresh when it’s got a long way to go from the field to your table? There are various ways, none of which are preserving the nutrients we need –  and the longer it takes for the food to get to us - from the time its killed/picked/plucked, the less and less nutritious it is. Local farmers markets are one solution. Buying local from your local farmers markets, or straight from the farm is certainly one way to consume the freshest foods, but it doesn't solve all of our issues, especially during the winter months. 

1. We Need More (Optimal Functioning) RDA vs. ODI: Many people believe that if you eat a ‘well-balanced’ diet, you don’t have to worry about taking any supplements or vitamins because you’re getting enough through diet alone. Unfortunately, this isn't always the case. It is actually very difficult to get therapeutic amounts, and account for deficiencies using food as your only source of nutrients. What many people don't realize is that  there is a huge difference (when talking about optimal heath) between a Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) and an Optimal Daily Intake (ODI), not to mention that the RDA is based upon general age groups and does not take into account individual need, or your unique family history (think prevention!!!). For true health and optimal nutrition, we generally need to be taking in much more than the RDA, amounts and specific nutrients needed varying based on the individual. It is not impossible to do this through diet along, in some situations, but it is certainly becoming more and more difficult, and certainly requires a lot of discipline and time. Minimal but necessary supplementation can certainly make this process a little easier.